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Complaints and appeals for A Level and GCSE grades

27 August 2020

We are aware that many colleges are facing a high level of complaints and potential appeals. Deputy Chief Executive, Kirsti Lord has issued the following statement. “Following the decision to award GCSE and A Level grades based on Centre Assessment Grades (CAGs) many colleges are facing a high level of complaints and potential appeals from students just when they need to be focused on enrolling students and reopening safely. It’s not surprising that many students are upset by all the disruption there’s been and some will be disappointed with the outcomes for them. We know that colleges followed the national guidance closely, producing Centre Assessment Grades based on a range of evidence and internal moderation, and informed students about the process. Colleges undertook the grading and ranking processes with integrity and good faith and are not responsible for all the subsequent changes to the system. It is important that any evidence of error, bias, discrimination or wrongdoing is investigated and colleges want to support their students to get clarity and fairness and to progress successfully to the next stage of their education or employment. It is also important to remember that disagreeing with a centre assessment grade is not of itself grounds for an appeal and we would ask the government to protect education providers against any costly challenges to this principle.” There is summary guidance for appeals and complaints here from Ofqual.