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Sustainability & Climate Action Hub

The world faces a climate emergency and the past twelve months have reinforced and heightened awareness on why we need to collectively act and address this huge challenge.

Climate action will require significant changes to the ways in which colleges function and to the businesses and industries that colleges support, with traditional jobs and roles disappearing whilst new ones are created. Policy priority and investment is now being signalled by the UK Government to achieve ambitious carbon reduction targets.

Colleges will need to play a pivotal role both as educators and system leaders to affect change to the scale which will be required and the opportunities for colleges and support available.

Student surveys overwhelmingly show that this is the most important issue affecting their future and they are demanding action. The green thread needs to weave through whole college strategies from estates and governance to curriculum planning to address the crisis.

This page gives an overview of the work currently underway in this area and where to find more information.