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New partnership to boost green construction skills for Londoners

05 December 2022

The Association of Colleges (AoC), with support from JPMorgan Chase, is launching a new programme to provide future generations with the sustainable construction skills they need.

The Creating a Greener London – Sustainable Construction Skills programme will develop innovative, local approaches to the delivery of eco-friendly skills training. The programme is targeted at young people from lower socio-economic backgrounds currently studying at level 2, to enable them to access skilled, green jobs in the construction sector.  

The purpose of the programme is to meet the needs of students, employers, and colleges in delivering green skills training, through the development of practice. It aims to provide insights into how the local ecosystem can support young people from lower socio-economic backgrounds to access skilled employment while meeting the Government’s objectives around achieving net zero and delivering green skills to meet the demand for green jobs.  

The ITT launched today provides details on the initial two pilot projects to be funded in 2023, with a third commissioned in 2024. The pilots will establish local collaborative partnerships, to identify existing and emerging green job opportunities available, and the skills required from level 2, which enable progression to green employment in the construction sector.

Working in collaboration with FE providers, construction employers and wider project partners we hope this programme will embed green skills in education and training in an agile and sustainable way.

David Hughes, AoC Chief Executive, said: “This is an incredibly exciting project which will make a real impact on the lives of young people in the capital. Decarbonising the construction sector is one of the most important ways we can work to tackle climate change and these green skills will provide the foundation for a more sustainable future.”

“With the growth of the green economy, equal access to employment opportunities will be an integral part of building a society that works for everyone” says Stephanie Mestrallet, Vice-President, Global Philanthropy at JPMorgan Chase. “JPMorgan Chase is pleased to support the Association of Colleges as they pilot new approaches in the Further Education sector to get more Londoners green construction jobs, and gain further insight into the local skills gap and employer needs as the world transitions to a greener future.”