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Students Strategy Group

Group Chair

Michelle Dowse, Principal & Chief Executive, Heart of Worcestershire College

Vice Chair

David Warnes, Principal and CEO , Chelmsford College


  • Andrew Cropley, Principal and Chief Executive Officer, Vision West Nottinghamshire College
  • Anita Lall, Interim Principal and Chief Executive, Craven College
  • Anthony Bravo OBE, Principal, Basingstoke College of Technology
  • Bev Jessop, Principal and Chief Executive, Queen Alexandra College
  • Corrienne Peasgood, AoC President, AoC
  • David Gartland, Principal and CEO, Darlington College
  • Emma Beal, Principal & Chief Executive, Northern College for Residential Adult Education
  • Gavin Hughes, Principal, HRUC (Harrow, Richmond and Uxbridge Colleges)
  • Gill Burbridge, Principal, Leyton Sixth Form College
  • Gill Worgan, Principal and Chief Executive, West Herts College Group (WHCG)
  • Graham Thompson, Principal, St Francis Xavier Sixth Form College
  • James Scott, Principal/CEO, Trafford & Stockport College Group (TSCG)
  • Jenny Craig, Principal and CEO, Buckinghamshire College Group
  • Julia Gray, Principal and Chief Executive Officer, City of Bristol College
  • Ken Merry, Acting Chief Executive and Principal, York College
  • Michael Jaffrain, Principal, Loreto College
  • Pat Carvalho , Principal and Chief Executive, BMet College
  • Paul Padda, Principal & CEO, East Coast College
  • Robin Webber – Jones, Principal (Northamptonshire), The Bedford College Group
  • Ros Parker, Principal, Isle of Wight College
  • Simon Ross, Principal, Newcastle Sixth Form College
  • Simon Welch, Principal, National Star College
  • Yolanda Botham, Principal & CEO, Long Road Sixth Form College

    Meeting dates 2024/25

    • Wednesday 27 November 2024 12:30pm-14:30pm
    • Tuesday 25 March 2025 12:30pm – 14:30pm
    • Wednesday 11 June 2025 12:30pm-14:30pm

    Previous Meetings