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All Party Parliamentary Group on Further Education and Lifelong Learning

AoC provides the secretariat to the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Further Education and Lifelong Learning. This group aims to promote and develop the interests of the further education, adult learning and skills sectors and to advise government ministers on matters of concern to those sectors.

Note: On Thursday 30 May, parliament was dissolved. All APPG's including the APPG on FE and Lifelong Learning cease to exist at this time.

Until the group is reconstituted, this page will not be updated further and any existing content and reference to members should be considered historic.

We hope to be able to reconstitute the APPG on FE and Lifelong Learning in the new parliament.


What is an APPG?

APPGs are informal groups established by backbench MPs and peers which meet to discuss, campaign on and promote a certain issue. They have no statutory or formal role but are able to exert some influence on Government.

The APPG for Further Education and Lifelong Learning has been running for over 10 years and meets regularly in Parliament. The group holds meetings and inquiries on particular topics of importance to colleges. Recent meetings have focussed on the role of colleges in meeting the health and social care workforce challenges; FE & HE Collaboration; a joint meeting with the APPG for Students on the cost-of-living crisis impact on FE students; the role of college sport in student health and wellbeing, the role of colleges in supporting unemployed people into work; and lost learning as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic;

Group register:

If you have any questions about the Group or would like to get involved please contact our public affairs team at

Meeting Minutes



    AoC provides the secretarial support for this group. For further information, please contact our Public Affairs team at