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Colleges National Green Week

Colleges National Green Week will take place from Monday 17 to Friday 21 March 2025 to celebrate the great work that colleges do in sustainability and climate change. The aim is to bring to together the sector with industry partners and government agencies to showcase what colleges are doing.

Key messages

  • Colleges lead the way in sustainable practice and supporting students to embrace sustainability and prepare them for the future green economy.
  • Colleges are working hard to invest and find innovation solutions to reduce their emissions and become carbon neutral through modernising their campuses, reduce waste, embed sustainable procurement and green transport opportunities.
  • Colleges play a key role in providing the skills and qualifications for the future green workforce in renewable energy, green skills, retrofit digital technologies and are key partners in local and regional strategies working towards net zero.

How to get involved

  • Align your current sustainability activities to Colleges National Green Week. This could include:
    • staff activities
    • student activities
    • stakeholder roundtables
    • fundraising or a local initiative to help the community
    • launching new facilities or new provision.
  • Collaborate on joint activities with local partners, agencies and employers.
  • Undertake activities across the whole college, a specific campus, or possibly work with other colleges in a sub region.
  • Shout about the great sustainability work your college does on social media using the #CollegesNationalGreenWeek hashtag. We will be providing more social media guidance and resources closer to the time.

What's on

We will be updating this webpage with exciting plans for Colleges National Green Week 2025.

    AoC Sustainability and Green Skills Conference 2025

    Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 March 2025

    Join us for our conference where will hear from employers, government agencies and sector partners in how the skills landscape is adapting to support the growth of low-carbon energy sectors, including both supply and end-use. We will also provide space for colleges to discuss the barriers and opportunities for expanding low-carbon job competencies to create clear, inclusive training pathways into low-carbon energy jobs.

    Find out more

    "EAUC are delighted to support the Colleges National Green Week. Colleges are anchors within their communities and are critical to ensuring we have future fit skills and training to deliver net-zero both on campus, locally, regionally and nationally."
    Fiona Goodwin, Deputy CEO, EAUC