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16-18 Reference Group

Group Chair

Michael Jaffrain, Principal, Loreto College

Group Vice Chair

Shireen Razey, Executive Principal, Christ the King Sixth Form College


  • Alastair Mullins, Assistant Principal - Academic Programmes & Value, HRUC (Harrow, Richmond and Uxbridge Colleges)
  • Andrew Cropley, Principal and Chief Executive Officer, Vision West Nottinghamshire College
  • Andrew Stephenson, Vice Principal, New College Durham
  • Anne-Marie Francis , Vice Principal – Curriculum, Wigan & Leigh College
  • Ben Manning, Deputy Principal - Curriculum and Quality, City College Plymouth
  • Bronagh Quigley, Assistant Principal: English, Maths and Transitions, Derby College (DCG)
  • Catherine Orridge, Assistant Principal, Newcastle College Group (NCG)
  • Claire Ashley, Director of Learning Academic, Core and Business Studies, Boston College
  • Debbie Coomes, Assistant Principal, West Suffolk College
  • Debbie Garroway, Vice Principal Curriculum and Quality, Chelmsford College
  • Edd Brown, Vice Principal - 16-18 and Quality, Weston College
  • Emily Pountney, Vice Principal Young People's Academic Learning, City of Portsmouth College
  • Gill Burbridge, Principal, Leyton Sixth Form College
  • Graham Thompson, Principal, St Francis Xavier Sixth Form College
  • Helen Van Aardt , Vice Principal Curriculum and Quality, Loughborough College
  • Helen Wood, Assistant Principal Young People, Trafford & Stockport College Group (TSCG)
  • Jackie Moores, Principal/CEO, Tameside College
  • James Eagney, Assistant Principal - Performance & Progress, Reasheath College
  • Jasbir Sondhi, Vice Principal Westminster Kingsway College, Westminster Kingsway College
  • Jason Clear, Assistant Principal - Creative Industries, Professional & Digital / T Level Lead, New College Durham
  • Jason Jones, Deputy Principal - Education & Learners, Petroc
  • Jo Kershaw, Vice Principal Curriculum and Quality, City College Norwich
  • Jo Thomas-Moore, Director of Curriculum, Walsall College
  • Karen Hucker, Principal, Bexhill College
  • Karen Spencer, Principal & CEO, Harlow College
  • Kate Da Costa, Deputy Principal – Curriculum Development, Cambridge Regional College
  • Kirk Hookham, Deputy CEO, South Staffordshire College
  • Lewis Overton, Assistant Principal, Nottingham College (The)
  • Lindsay Pamphilon, Chief Executive Office and Principal, East Surrey College (Orbital South Colleges)
  • Louise Southam, Assistant Principal - Curriculum & Quality, HRUC - Richmond College
  • Marian Curran, Principal, St Brendan's Sixth Form College
  • Martha Killiick, Vice Principal, Brighton Metropolitan College (Chichester College Group)
  • Mary Roberts, Head of Access & Continuing Education, Blackpool and The Fylde College
  • Matthew Harbour, Vice Principal & Deputy CEO, South Devon College
  • Michaela Lines, Director of Study Programmes, Lincoln College Group
  • Nick Holbrook-Sutcliffe, Chief Curriculum Officer, East Kent College Group (EKC)
  • Oliver Symons, Principal, Moulton College
  • Rachel Tarplee, Vice Principal - Curriculum and Quality, Blackburn College
  • Sara Russell, Principal & CEO, Peter Symonds Sixth Form College
  • Shaun Cook, Vice Principal Curriculum, Barnsley College
  • Shelly Brown, Director of Curriculum Quality & Performance, NSCG Newcastle & Stafford Colleges Group
  • Sonia Wallace, Head of Learning 16-18, Dudley College of Technology
  • Tim Whitaker, Principal & CEO, Askham Bryan College
  • Victoria Wickington, Assistant Principal – Teaching, Learning and Quality, Southport College
  • Yolanda Botham, Principal & CEO, Long Road Sixth Form College

Meeting dates 2024/25

  • Thursday 17 October 2024 10:00am-12:00pm
  • Thursday 13 February 2025 10:00am-12:00pm
  • Tuesday 3 June 2025 10:00am-12:00pm

Previous meetings: