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Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

Careers Guidance Resources for College Careers Leaders


Following the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, young people will be faced with a very challenging labour market.

This is supported by clear emerging evidence that young people are being disproportionately impacted through unemployment and a significant reduction in apprenticeship opportunities. World class careers guidance coupled with high impact support, linked to the local economy, is arguably now more critical than ever. The January 2021 Skills for Jobs White Paper further highlights that colleges have a key role in boosting productivity, strengthening communities, and supporting individuals.

AoC is working with the Careers and Enterprise Company to provide resources, webinars and information for the leaders, governors and careers guidance professionals in the FE sector to help support colleges in their careers guidance offer.

Join the College Careers Community. CEC is encouraging colleagues within FE to join a virtual community to share best practice and resources to drive innovation in careers education.

Career Development Policy Group and the Career Guidance Guarantee

The Career Development Policy Group (CDGP) brings together a range of organisations, including the Association of Colleges, who believe that it is essential that citizens have an opportunity to access support in their careers. The group works with the Government and other stakeholders to develop policies and initiatives that support career development.

The CDPG initially launched the Career Guidance Guarantee (CGG) in 2021 at a virtual event attended by over 400 colleagues from across the careers profession, followed by three roundtables with policymakers, careers professionals and employers to discuss key areas of the Guarantee.

The CGG was further promoted in July 2023 the CDPG hosted an event in Parliament with the APPG for Skills, Careers and Employment to champion the Guarantee with politicians and policymakers, with a specially commissioned report from iCeGC at the University of Derby on Investing in careers - an analysis of the cost and benefits of investing to achieve the Guarantee.

The CGG has evolved and the updated version can be viewed here.

Careers Leaders Training

Careers Leaders training is making a real difference. The Careers & Enterprise Company offer both a fully funded training option and a free online induction for newly appointed Careers Leaders to help them understand the value of the role and the careers education landscape.

Over 2,000 Careers Leaders have already completed the fully funded training with 82% of Careers Leaders reporting a faster improvement towards achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks*.The training equips Careers Leaders with all the knowledge they need across leadership, management, co-ordination and networking to implement a strategic, whole school/college approach to careers. This year, The Careers & Enterprise Company has partnered with nine high quality training providers to deliver this training.

  • Choose from distant, face-to-face or blended learning courses
  • Network and make new connections with other Careers Leaders.
  • Improve your knowledge of the role and gain access to a qualification (up to level 7)
  • All Careers Leaders are eligible to apply for a fully funded training place.

*source: Impact evaluation of Careers Leader Training, 2018-2020

For more information, view the evaluation report.

Showcasing Best Practice

Please view the following short films showcasing some innovative work in careers education being done in three colleges. The films have been produced by the colleges with support from the Careers and Enterprise Company and focus on linking sustainability and careers, developing a skills framework and creating effective employer engagement.

Middlesborough College

Lancaster and Morecambe College

Barnsley College