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Skills for the Chemical Industry: Post-seminar Report

10 September 2019

The Royal Society of Chemistry, the Salters’ Institute and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation have produced a report on the FE workforce needed to train the future technicians for the chemical industry, and the training needs of this workforce. In March 2015, the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Salters’ Institute and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation organised a seminar to identify whether the FE teaching workforce has sufficient capacity to deliver the numbers of technicians that industry will require, and whether teachers have the up-to-date experience of industry that is required to prepare appropriately skilled, work-ready employees. The seminar brought together representatives from the FE and training sector, industry, professional bodies and other key stakeholder groups. The report of this seminar is below. It has recommendations to industry, to policymakers and to colleges, highlighting ways in which multiple communities can work together to deliver the technically skilled workforce essential to the success of the UK chemical industry. Skills for the Chemical Industry post-seminar report.pdf Skills for the Chemical Industry post-seminar report.pdf (PDF,289.39 KB)