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Sign up for the Register of Apprenticeship Assessment Organisations

10 September 2019

In the current SASE apprenticeship framework delivery, college staff both deliver and assess. In the new apprenticeship standard process, colleges that deliver will not be able to assess their own apprentices, this will be done independently. This does not prevent colleges assessing other colleges’ or providers’ apprentices. Colleges have staff in place who are qualified and experienced in assessment and could offer this funded service, providing independent, end point assessment for other deliverers and employers. Details of the assessment plans covered and links to all information needed to register (hyperlink to the remainder of the information) About the Register of Apprentice Assessment Organisations The Skills Funding Agency is developing and trialling a Register of Apprentice Assessment Organisations. The Register will be a list of organisations who wish to deliver independent end-point assessment for apprenticeship standards and assessment plans developed by Trailblazers and have met the requirements for inclusion. SFA will evaluate and refine the Register as the trial progresses. For phase 2 Trailblazers onwards, employers must select an organisation from this Register to undertake the independent end-point assessment of their apprentices in line with the published apprenticeship standard and assessment plan. Employers can only select an organisation to deliver independent end-point assessment if it is on the Register. However, being on the Register is a not a guarantee that an organisation will deliver end-point assessment, as it is up to the employer to determine which organisation they select and the process for that selection. Applications to the Register The Register is now open for applications against nine Phase 2 Trailblazer assessment plans that were published in March 2015. These are: · Railway Engineering Design Technician · Junior Journalist · Property Maintenance Operative · Housing Management · Dental Technician · Dental Laboratory Assistant · Dental Practice Manager · Actuarial Technician · Golf Greenkeeper Copies of these plans are available at: Organisations can apply to the Register at any time. Potential applicants can find the detailed application documents on the Bravo Solution portal at To assist potential applicants who have not previously used the portal, information about how to create a user account and locate the application documents is included in an attachment to this email. Publication of the Register The first version will be published on the website during spring/summer 2015. It will then be regularly updated. The Register will include contact details for organisations, information about which apprenticeship standards they can deliver against, the geographic areas they can deliver in and the types of end-point assessment they can offer. The Register may also publish other summary information taken from application forms. Alongside the Register, the SFA will produce a guide for employers so that the purpose of the Register is clear to them. Contact If you have any general questions about the Register please contact the SFA at If you have specific questions related to the application process, please use the messaging facility within the Bravo Solution portal.