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Ofqual's plans for vocational and technical qualifications 2020 - AoC responds

24 April 2020

Today (Friday, 24 April) Ofqual announced its proposed plans on vocational and technical qualifications. It lays out proposals for exceptional arrangements for assessment and grading in 2020. Responding to the announcement this morning, Chief Executive, David Hughes said: "This is an important and helpful announcement by Ofqual which will help to reassure students and colleges. The approach proposed to the awarding of grades for vocational and technical qualifications is fair and based on consistent principles. The emphasis outlined in the consultation document published today on enabling progression, combined with a focus on reliability and validity in what is a complex area strikes the right balance. It's important that colleges respond to the consultation so that OfQual can move on to provide the clarity that students want and deserve. AoC will continue to work with OfQual, awarding organisations and colleges to help ensure that every student is supported through these difficult and uncertain times." You can read the full announcement here.