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Ofqual announces assessment process for technical and vocational qualifications - AoC responds

09 April 2020

The Ofqual Guidance on Technical and Vocational Qualifications published today, 9 April, outlines the approach to be taken in the assessment of technical and vocational qualifications including Functional Skills in summer 2020. Commenting on announcement David Hughes said: “Today’s annoucement is a welcome step forward for hundreds of thousands of students. The approach is both sensible and fair and I would like to thank OfQual for moving so quickly to help reassure students and parents/carers who will be able to look forward to their hard work and dedication being rewarded with the qualifications they need to progress into employment or higher education. College teachers and leaders will be keen to see greater clarity on many details of the announcement and AoC will continue to work with OfQual and awarding organisations to help achieve that. It is very positive that students can benefit from a calculated grade for those qualifications focused on progression including functional skills that have a similar purpose to GCSEs and A Levels. It is also clear that some licence to practise and safety related assessments do need to be deferred until the lockdown is fully ended. That probably means extra work in the autumn term for students and colleges, which will inevitably have a cost implication for colleges which will need to be assessed by the Department for Education. The priority in autumn 2020 will be to get as many as the students who would ordinarily have completed this summer ready for work as early as possible in the autumn."