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AoC Mental Health Charter guidance
The consensus to evolve the scope and reach of mental health and wellbeing support in colleges is clear; mental health is a priority for all. This page is an introduction to The Charter, providing guidance of how colleges can interact with the framework to develop practice and articulate impact. The good practice principles detailed in The Charter has been developed by college practitioners and sector leaders, reflecting leading practice and pedagogy in further education. The introduction of standards supports a national drive to improve the mental health and wellbeing of FE staff and students through establishing transparent accountability and consistent practice across the sector. As well as embedding an annual review into the college business cycle to ensure practice and services remain relevant to current need, this self-assessment should inform the development of a mental health strategy, to address current and future mental health priorities.
Mental health in further education- context
As highlighted in The AoC Mental Health Report 2023, and responding to priorities identified by college leaders via the AoC Mental Health Reference Group and Regional Communities of Practice for college Senior Mental Health Leads, there are a number of challenges for the sector. It is important to reflect on the national context to ensure your mental health strategy responds to emerging themes and trends, and seeks opportunities to address these challenges through a whole-college, partnership approach. The priority areas are as follows:
Student support
There is a significant increase in mental health difficulties experienced by students in FE. Colleges continue to report an increase in the number of students presenting with disclosed mental health conditions. Colleges are also responding to a significant number of students experiencing mental health difficulties without a formal disclosure. There is a breadth of issues that should be addressed to ensure students are supported throughout their formative education.
Workforce wellbeing
There is a significant increase in mental health difficulties experienced by staff in FE. While colleges are increasing investment in training, and are providing enhanced wellbeing support for staff, there is evidence of an emerging crisis within the college workforce. A significant number of colleges have seen an increase in staff accessing mental health and wellbeing services.
Systems and partnerships
A challenge for the sector is the impact of arbitrary funding slowly coming into the health care sector, and what this means for colleges trying to navigate external support systems that are both at capacity and are increasing eligibility criteria to access services. Additionally, the level of integration between local services, processes to support the transition of data from schools, and engagement with local Mental Health Support Teams varies significantly.
Investment and infrastructure
There is an urgent need for improved resources and dedicated funding for mental health in further education. There should also be consistent infrastructure for mental health support across the country, underpinned by improved communication and better integration of services. There is a wealth of effective practice in colleges, often unfunded, that needs to be recognised and celebrated, and a continuation of opportunities provided to work collectively to improve delivery of services.
There is a role for AoC, working in partnership with colleges, officials, and education and health stakeholders, to lobby and influence government on mental health policy and funding. Alongside this, the continued development and implementation of mental health strategies in colleges has a direct and demonstrable impact on our communities. The Charter provides a framework for consistent and measurable practice through agreed good practice principles and standards, retaining flexibility to deliver meaningful systems and practice.
External influences
It is important that The Charter does not sit in isolation. To support embedding whole-college mental health strategies, the detail within the framework acknowledges the relationship with external influences that impact current and future responsibilities placed on colleges.
To respond to the government taskforce addressing student suicide in higher education, the AoC Mental Health Charter Framework is now more closely aligned with The University Mental Health Charter, supporting the transition of students throughout their learning journey. The Charter also pays due regard to other sector legislation and guidance:
The Charter can be used to compliment and contribute to strategic review and accountability processes related to the legislation noted above, supporting the broader agenda of providing a physically and psychologically safe learning environment for all students.
College Approach and Commitment
This is a recommended approach to embedding The Charter into assessment and practice:
- Nominate a member of SLT to have responsibility for the Mental Health Charter Framework, working in partnership with the Senior Mental Health Lead where this role is undertaken by a different colleague.
- Consider creating a Mental Health Working Group to ensure a whole-college approach (reflecting input from senior leaders, curriculum teams, student services, business support, estates management, staff and student voice).
- Use the Charlie Waller C-MET Tool to complete a self-assessment.
- Reflect on the self-assessment outcomes against the good practice principles detailed within the four themes, Leadership & Ethos, Student Support, Workplace Wellbeing, Evidence & Impact.
- Report against the four themes and highlight where the college meets the core and enhanced standards, using the C-MET assessment outcomes and reflections from the Working Group.
- Build an annual self-assessment into the college business cycle.
- Following annual self-assessment, produce a report for Corporation to demonstrate how the college is delivering against the Charter Standards, highlighting effective practice and areas for development. Use of a wide range of surveys, voice mechanisms and evidence should inform this report.
- A report should be made available for publication on the college website.
- Use the self-assessment outcome and annual report to inform the creation or development of a MH Strategy, with oversight of a MH Policy for Staff and a MH Policy for Students.
- A mental health strategy and related policies should outline how the college intends to work in collaboration with key partners in education, health and the local community.
Support and community engagement
There are several teams available to support your engagement with the AoC Mental Health Charter Framework - please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
- For any technical support to complete your self-assessment, please contact colleges@charliewallerselfevaluation.org
- For all other charter enquiries, please contact mentalhealthcharter@aoc.co.uk
- Senior Mental Health Leads are encouraged to join regional Communities of Practice for peer support and space to share good practice. For further information please contact Chloé Buchanan, AoC Member Services Coordinator (Midlands & East) chloe.buchanan@aoc.co.uk
- For AoC Mental Health Policy support, please contact Jen Hope, Area Director (East & West Midlands) and Senior Policy Lead (Mental Health) jen.hope@aoc.co.uk