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Building individual and team knowledge and skills

As well as big-picture pieces, we are also here to help you and your teams to improve your knowledge, build your confidence and expand your skills base.


We secure funding from government agencies and other organisations to deliver a range of projects to support the sector. Projects vary in duration, scale and topic but have included:

  • quality improvement initiatives;
  • college workforce support;
  • development programmes;
  • research pieces;
  • capacity building developments;
  • international enterprises.

Project outcomes are disseminated to the sector, ensuring good practice is shared and brought together. These help to raise the profile of the sector, prepare colleges for government changes and ensure better outcomes for students.

A large majority of our projects offer opportunities of funding and involvement for colleges. Through the life of projects running last year we gave over £1 million to colleges through projects.

Regular briefings and updates

We provide you and your team with the latest intelligence through our member-only email briefings and website content. Regular and reliable updates include the latest from government departments and agencies, need-to-know policy changes, funding and project opportunities, and news and views from across the sector.

Principals and Chairs also receive the ‘Chief Executive’s Letter’ each week, detailing the latest high-level thinking on issues critical to colleges.

All members of college teams can access this information through an individual member-only account. Staff members can register online or email and they will receive access to all our online information and support, as well as receiving our briefings direct to their inbox.

Training, events and workshops

Our training workshops, programmes and conferences provide opportunities to hear from further education leaders, government, and industry experts as well as the opportunity to network with like-minded peers on a wide range of topics.

In addition to our individual workshops, we also run courses for further education professionals at all stages of their careers through our leadership programmes.

We can come to your college to run in-house training sessions and our coaches and mentors can help provide support and guidance to senior college leaders.

Local and regional support

Our Area Directors and regional teams provide dedicated support to you on a local level, including:

  • Guidance and support to principals, and acting as a critical friend Joining up local, regional, national and international knowledge for the benefit of your college
  • Providing signposting and access to relevant project funds to support policy implementation and delivery Facilitating regional, national and international partnerships
  • Representing and supporting college involvement with key regional partners, stakeholders and regulatory bodies
  • Engaging regularly with colleges, ensuring views are fed into the wider AoC and policy development
  • Facilitating members involvement in effective influencing of local decision makers, opinion formers, politicians and partners
  • Supporting members in self-organising, regional and sub-regional networks and groups

The team works closely with principals and senior teams. As and when required, an AoC Director will attend and contribute to Board meetings and college strategic events.