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General Election results - AoC responds

27 April 2020

Responding to the general election results, Chief Executive David Hughes said: “As Boris Johnson returns to Number 10 with a clear majority, he has a huge task ahead to take on the biggest problems facing the country. As he looks to boost the economy, strengthen our communities and support individuals – he needs to look to colleges to “get it done”. Previously Boris has praised colleges as a “people’s priority”, and we are keen to work with him to ensure that they continue to be, with a long-term, strong and properly funded plan for post-16 education, skills and training. It has been clear throughout the campaign that colleges are central to answering the huge questions facing the country. Attitudes to colleges, skills and retraining have shifted, there is now a consensus that they are vital in creating an education system and economy that is fit for the future. The task for our new government is to stick to its manifesto investment promises and to build a post-16 system for people everywhere, throughout their lives. The new government has the opportunity to develop the new lifelong learning culture which will be vital in a post-Brexit Britain."