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AoC and ETF win World Skills UK diversity award

25 February 2022

The Education and Training Foundation and the Association of Colleges won the prestigious EDI Inititive of the Year award for our ‘diversity in leadership’ programme. Our two organisations jointly run the programme, which is funded and managed by the ETF and delivered by AoC.

The programme aims to challenge bias, remove obstacles to leadership roles and build confidence. Participants reported high levels of satisfaction on the breadth and depth of topics, and the quality of the coaching offered by and to those from minority backgrounds.

Apinder Sidhu, ETF Diversity and Inclusion Lead, commented:

“The ETF is absolutely delighted to have won the World Skills EDI initiative of the year award. This shows how our diversity in leadership programme is helping to inspire future leaders drive change in their organisations and communities.”

Jeff Greenidge, AoC Director for Diversity, added:

“AoC is thrilled that the partnership with the ETF has made such an impact on the individual participants and that so many of them have gone on to use the insights and learnings to effect change in their organisations.”

Some participants in the programme were selected as ‘Game Changers’ and supported to develop their own EDI projects. While a growing, and increasingly influential, network of over 40 EDI practitioners was created to help drive transformation across colleges.

The World Skills UK ‘equity, diversity and inclusion heroes awards’ aim to recognise and celebrate those who are making a difference to diversity and inclusion. There are eight categories, with awards given to both organisations and individuals.