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The Labour Party's manifesto for 'real change' - AoC responds

27 April 2020

Responding to the Labour Party's manifesto published today, Chief Executive David Hughes said: “The Labour manifesto offers a strong package for the future, with the potential to make real change, for business, for individuals, and for communities. Their commitment to raising the base rate for 16-19 funding, offering a boost for adult and life-long learning, and the reintroduction of an education maintenance allowance, provides a vision for a society that has an ambitious, people-centred education and skills system at the heart of it. It’s great to see yet another political party recognise that for the biggest questions facing our country, colleges are a vital part of the answer. Colleges transform the lives of 2.2 million people each year, in every part of the country, and Labour’s further education offer would help them to do even more.” The full manifesto is available here.