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Secretary of State thanks AoC President for contributions to FE

23 June 2020

The Secretary of State, Gavin Williamson, has written to Association of Colleges’ outgoing President Steve Frampton to thank him for his significant contributions to the Further Education sector. Mr Williamson wrote: “It is clear to see how passionate you are about the importance of further education and skills in helping individuals to secure employment and progress in their lives. Your wealth of experience and insightful leadership has made a real difference in helping to make the sector stronger and better than ever.” After gratefully receiving the letter, Mr Frampton told colleagues at AoC: “I do feel I am accepting this lovely letter from the Secretary of State, and his acknowledgments, on behalf of us all at our brilliant organisation. It’s recognition for all the incredible collective work we all do daily, for our amazing sector.” You can read the full letter here: SoS letter to Steve Frampton.pdf SoS letter to Steve Frampton.pdf (PDF,43.4 KB)