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OfS analysis shows students with unconditional offers more likely to drop out - AoC response

30 October 2019

Today, new analysis from the Office for Students (OfS) has shown that students who receive unconditional offers before getting their exam results are more likely to drop out in their first year of university. In response to the report, Chief Executive David Hughes said: “The analysis today is a clear reminder of the impact unconditional offers can have if they are not used appropriately. AoC has become increasingly concerned about the impact they have on student motivation and achievement and this new evidence is even more worrying. Widening access is frequently stated as a rationale for unconditional offers but it’s just as important to focus on student outcomes. The new evidence seems to suggest that the dips in student motivation and engagement before university also impact on achievement at university. This is a clear indicator that the unconditional offer system isn’t working. The time has come for a serious rethink by each and every university about how their use of unconditional offers and how they monitor their impact.” You can read the full report here.