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OCR Introduce Level 4 Network Engineer and Software Developer Apprenticeship Standards

10 September 2019

OCR have announced that along with the Tech Partnership, it has finalised two new Level 4 Apprenticeship Standards under the Government’s Trailblazer initiative: Network Engineer and Software Developer. Before OCR launches the standards, they are inviting learning providers to find out about the new Trailblazer Digital Industry Apprenticeships at an event on September 28, where you can ask the experts directly about what the future Digital Apprenticeships Standards will look like. The Get Started Digital Apprenticeship CPD Event will cover: An introduction to the new digital industry standards and how to deliver the formative parts. The full assessment model and the structure of each digital standard. The changes in delivery and how the new standards will differ from previous apprenticeships. Sinead Cassidy, OCR’s Apprenticeship Manager, called the last OCR event "An exciting opportunity to talk to centres to inform and make them aware of the changes going from frameworks to future reformed standards."Jez Brooks, Chairman of the Digital Industry Trailblazer group, said: “Careful thought and consultation with employers has been carried out to make sure the needs of the industry are being met, which is a very positive move to developing skills for UK PLC.”Click here to reserve your free place on the course, which will take place at Progress House, Coventry.