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More funding available for OTLA joint practice development projects – apply now

25 October 2019

We are pleased to announce a further £90,000 available through the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) for additional joint practice development projects under the Outstanding, Teaching, Learning and Assessment (OTLA) National Technical Skills Programme. The programme focuses on enhancing teaching, learning and assessment working towards outstanding provision for all students on technical routes. We would particularly welcome applications for, Business and Administrative, Legal, Finance and Accounting, Protective services, and Sales, Marketing and Procurement This is the third round of funding for OTLA development projects with 21 projects having been commissioned and completed, through the same fund, earlier in 2017, and another 8 projects beginning in March 2018 due to complete in February 2019. This phase of work, like the previous two phases, is designed to support the development of the technical teaching workforce across the sector, to prepare practitioners and providers for the implementation of the Post-16 Skills Plan and to have a positive impact on technical skills teaching across the country. If you are interested in finding out more and how to apply please visit our OTLA webpages. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 23 May 2018, 12pm.