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Green Party launch general election manifesto - AoC responds

27 April 2020

Responding to the Green Party's general election manifesto Cheif Executive David Hughes said: “It’s pleasing to see the Green Party’s strong commitment to reviving further education. It’s clear that colleges are not being overlooked in this election because politicians are recognising the impact of skills and training on the community and the country. The particular focus from the Green Party on adult education is welcome because we must invest in everyone to be able to adapt as the labour market and society change. Colleges do, and will continue to play a huge role in tackling the huge social and economic issues of the day and creating a sustainable future. The Green Party’s manifesto is ambitious on all these fronts, and rightly so, it sets a vision that addresses the climate emergency. A transformational, properly funded education system has the potential to work in an unprecedented way to make a difference now and in the future.”