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Education Committee's SEND report - AoC response

27 April 2020

Today, the Education Committee’s findings from its 18-month inquiry into reforms of the SEND system were published. In repsonse to the report, David Hughes said: “Colleges work hard to provide great learning and support for students with special educational needs and disabilities. The Education Committee’s SEND report, though, highlights the difficulties they face due to ‘confusion’, bureaucratic nightmares’ and ‘strained resources’. Transition to college at 14, 16 and 18 plus for students with special educational needs and disabilities needs to be better supported through consistent approaches to high needs funding across the country. Colleges also need improved transfer of information and data for those students without Education, Health and Care Plans. These improvements would enable colleges to provide even better individualised support and programmes. More than anything else, this area of education, both pre and post 16, needs increased funding to provide the resources and staff students deserve.”