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Climate Commission for FE and HE share update and next steps

23 January 2020

Since the launch of the Climate Commission for UK Higher and Further Education, the Climate Commissioners have reviewed feedback from the initial meeting. The Commission has provided an update and next steps for its work and how you can get involved in the process. After its first meeting the Climate Commissioners have set out the Commission's vision and mission as well as a Target Statement to provide a clear way ahead. Climate Commission VisionAcross the Further and Higher Education sectors, to address the climate crisis, the Climate Commission will:• Challenge, unite and enable action• Demonstrate leadership and provide a strong and authoritative voice Climate Commission MissionTo achieve rapid and positive change that enables universities and colleges to contribute fully to tackling the climate crisis, recognising the different approaches which may be taken and in the context of delivering the Sustainable Development Goals. Empowering higher and further education to have a strong voice nationally and internationally in addressing the climate crisis. The top five priorities the Climate Commission will focus on and develop enablers for are:1. Mobilising the Further and Higher Education voice for influence and impact2. Research and innovation– the funding and scope of research and innovation and maximising its impact3. Scope 3 – profiling work underway, developing sector understanding of Scope 3 emissions, and supporting the sector to make significant progress in addressing these4. Deep adaptation – including governance, risk, mitigation and adaptation for the future of our campuses and operations5. Education and the student experience – curriculum development and the climate emergency The Climate Commission partners have each invited a student to be a formal member of the Climate Commission and will work closely with them. We will confirm the details of these shortly. Further background information on the Climate Commission can be found here.