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- Inspire Education Group Celebrates Stellar A Level Results Day with over 450 Students Progressing to University
Inspire Education Group Celebrates Stellar A Level Results Day with over 450 Students Progressing to University
Inspire Education Group (IEG), which consists of Stamford College and Peterborough College, is proud to report that a remarkable 450 students will be progressing to university following exceptional results this year.
Phenomenally, almost 1 in 3 students are celebrating high grades of A* to B and D*D*D* to DDM equivalent.
Top students include:
- Michelle Attuah-Asante is celebrating D* D* D* and a place at Nottingham University to study Architecture after successfully completing her Diploma in Art and Design at Peterborough College. Michelle said,
- Lucas Garlike, who achieved a D*D*D* in Music Technology at Peterborough College is now going on to study Film Studies at University of Warwick.
- Izaac Boulton from Stamford College is celebrating an impressive A* B B in English, History and Politics respectively. Izaac, who has now accepted his place at the University of Edinburgh to study History, shared, “I’m very pleased with my grades, and I’m sure there are plenty of students just like me that have achieved their results because of Stamford College’s adaptable learning style and its focus on the individual”.
- Savannah Parkinson-Snell and Natasha Richardson are also both celebrating D*D*D* after completing their Art and Design Diplomas. Savannah is now progressing to Norwich University of the Arts to study Fashion and said, “I have found confidence and passion going into my chosen field and will forever be grateful for the endless knowledge and opportunities I have been presented with.”
- Charlie Darby studied the Level 3 Electrical course at Stamford College, achieving a Distinction grade. He shared, “I started off with little confidence in myself, so I’m so pleased to have achieved a Distinction. Thank you to the College tutors for their support, especially Bill Hughes who is a fantastic teacher!”.
- Isla Grayston is looking forward to studying Business at Manchester Metropolitan this September, having achieved B grades in Business, Sociology and Media. Isla shared, “The staff at Stamford College have offered me great support. I’ve felt very comfortable here, but challenged to achieve highly”.
- Oakley, who studied Level 3 Sport & Exercise Science at Stamford College, achieved D* D* D*, putting him in good stead to progress into the Sport Science and Personal Training industry. They shared, “The College has been really supportive in helping me to achieve my qualifications, and I’ve really enjoyed my time here. Stamford College has given me the foundation and skills to progress into the sports science and personal training industry, with the long term aim of opening up my own gymnasium”.
- Harry Rawcliffe achieved an impressive DMM in Uniformed Protective Services, which has enhanced his application into the Police Force. When asked about their time at Stamford College, Harry replied saying, “I have really enjoyed my time at Stamford College. Achieving a DMM has helped me incredibly to reach the final stage of my application and I should find out very soon if I am to be accepted onto the Apprenticeship scheme with Bedfordshire Police.”
- Dmytro Gostiev, who excelled in BTEC Engineering Level 3 and will be going to Anglia Ruskin University to study Mechatronic Engineering. “I am very thankful towards my teachers, they were very supportive and guided me the whole way!”
Equivalent in value to A Levels, Diplomas are accepted by 95% of Universities, giving our students an excellent start to their future careers.
The outstanding results not only showcase the dedication and hard work of the students but also affirm IEG's mission to empower learners for success in their academic pursuits and beyond.
Angela O’Reilly, Vice Principal of Curriculum and Quality, was full of praise for the results at both Colleges, saying, “At Inspire Education Group we are immensely proud of our students. Their achievements are a testament to the dedication and resilience exhibited by them. Their achievements reflect the culmination of hard work, their commitment to learning and the excellent teaching and support that they have received from our dedicated staff.”
“We are bursting with pride and are confident that our students are well-prepared to make a positive impact in their chosen career paths, good luck and keep in touch.”
The Group offers a variety of Level 3 BTEC, Diploma and A Level courses giving local students an excellent choice of pathways to gain the skills, experience and training required to successfully progress to rewarding careers.

Got your results and changed your mind?
It’s been months since you applied to Uni, and like thousands of other students you may have changed your mind and are considering reaping the benefits of studying close to home. If this is you, we are here to help!
University Centre Peterborough is here to offer you a fresh opportunity through Clearing. Our dedicated team understands that success comes in many forms and we believe in providing a second chance to those who are determined to pursue their dreams.
Click here to apply through clearing: www.ucp.ac.uk/clearing