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Marina Gaze

Since leaving full-time employment with Ofsted in 2015 Marina has specialised in supporting further education and skills governors and leaders to rapidly improve their provision and improve people’s life chances through learning. She helps governors define their priorities and focus their efforts to have the greatest impact. She ensures information provided to governors is clear and accurate and helps them accurately measure progress against action plans and supports them to ask the right questions to ensure the pace of improvement continues. She has 23 years’ experience of inspecting all aspects of the further education and skills remit and is a current Ofsted inspector. As Ofsted’s Deputy Director for Further Education and Skills, she was responsible for Ofsted’s inspection policy and methodology and led the development of the 2015 Common Inspection Framework. Prior to that she was a Senior HMI and a HMI with a wide range of responsibilities including the quality of inspections and inspector training. She developed and delivered Ofsted’s Masters’ Degrees in Inspection and Regulation with the University of Warwick and with the Institute of Education. She holds several board positions, including an ‘outstanding’ provider and a ‘good’ college and helps boards learn how to support, challenge and work effectively. She also carries out governance reviews and is in strong demand as a speaker, trainer and coach
