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Tender process for the delivery of the Official Sportswear

13 July 2022

AoC Sport is launching a tender process for the delivery of the Official Sportswear Supplier.

Proposal Requirements:

Through the course of our activities, AoC Sport and our partners/members require significant volumes of sportswear. These requirements can be split into two broad areas:

1. Clothing worn by public facing AoC Sport staff, contractors and student athletes representing AoC Sport in competition.

2. Clothing worn by student athletes at our multi-sport National Championships An outline of the requirements in each of these areas is provided below.

Additionally, AoC Sport member colleges themselves require substantial volumes of sports kit and other clothing items for a range of purposes (staff uniforms, student playing and training kit, as well as specialist clothing for educational purposes, such as hair and beauty tunics and tabards, engineering/motor vehicle boiler suits).

AoC Sport’s official sportswear supplier will therefore have the opportunity to market their products and services directly to 200+ member colleges and our other partners.

If you are interested, please read the Tender Document, where you will be able to find out more information and details on submission dates.