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Inclusion Hub Fund​

Colleges will be able to apply for up to £500 to support the creation and delivery of a project to engage more students from underserved groups in participating in sport and physical activity. Colleges should have Inclusion Ambassadors in place and utilise them in the creation and delivery of their project.


Underserved Groups

  • Students with disabilities​
  • Students from ethnic minorities​
  • Female students​
  • LGBTQ+ students​
  • Students from lower socio-economic groups


  • New participants from under-served groups are engaged in line with agreed targets​
  • New and innovative ideas for engaging underserved groups in different sports and physical activities are explored and trialled. ​
  • The project and participants engaged through it positively contribute to sport and physical activity at the college

Use of funding​

Unfortunately, we can't fund everything, We are unable to fund:​

  • Existing activity - although we may pay for additional costs associated with the expansion of that activity if it's related to increasing the diversity of participants​
  • Engaging students that are already physically active ​
  • Purchasing large pieces of equipment​
  • Supporting the delivery of any activity not recognised by Sport England ​


Applications will open after our first development day in November and during these days we will be sharing all information, including how to apply and closing dates. ​​

As a project aimed at engaging students from under-represented and under-served groups, we would particularly welcome applications that; ​

  • Are very specific in their approach e.g. females with a disability / South Asian students (quality of participants over quantity)​
  • Are innovative and trial new methods and activities ​

Student Leadership Programme