What impact can AoC’s Senior Leadership Development Programme have on your career?
24 March 2021
One year on from the first lockdown we have all been taking time to reflect on the rapid changes we have had to adapt to. We have moved all of our events and training online and engaged with thousands of people in the further education sector. AoC’s Senior Leadership Development Programme is currently being delivered virtually, until government guidelines allow otherwise. We have however adapted the leadership training programme to ensure a fully interactive and engaging experience.
Lucy McLeod, Principal, Canterbury College was a recent alumni on the course and had this to say:
‘I enrolled on the course because it had been recommended to me, a number of senior leaders in the EKC Group have completed it and all spoken highly of it. I wanted the opportunity to develop my strategic thinking and to meet other leaders in the sector.
I found the content of the three modules highly relevant and found myself putting the areas we discussed and developed on the course into practice immediately. The course was the perfect balance of workload, there was some pre-module work but just enough for someone working in a senior role in FE to be able to cope with while carrying on with the day job. The time on the course forces you to take time out to reflect on your own practice, talk it through with others and time to plan what you want to do when you get back to work.
I think the course has probably had the most impact on my working practices out of all the professional development I have done since I first trained as a teacher. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it, the course facilitators have a lot of knowledge to share but also great humour, which is really important. I now have a network of great people who I am keeping in touch with and hope to for a long time into the future.’
Our Senior Leadership Development Programme page outlines our senior leadership courses; alternatively, email us at training@aoc.co.uk to have a discussion about how we can help you to progress in your career.