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Webinar: FE Policy in the New Parliament - Martin Doel, Chief Executive, AoC and Dr Susan Pember, Governance Advisor, AoC.

18 June 2019

The General Election has produced the first majority Conservative Government in almost twenty years. This webinar will discuss the outcome of the election and how we might best represent the interests of colleges and their students to the new Government. The webinar will set out the wider political and economic challenges for the Government and then get into the detail of what it plans for education and skills and policies likely to impact on college governance, including the newly announced Full Employment and Welfare Benefits Bill (Apprenticeships), Education and Adoption Bill and Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill. We will also want to hear your views about emerging policy and what stance AoC should take. The webinar will be presented by Martin Doel, Chief Executive of AoC and Dr Susan Pember, AoC Governance Advisor and a former senior official in BIS. An on-demand copy of the webinar and the presentation slides are now available.