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Traineeship Staff Support Programme (TSSP) Survey

11 March 2016

Have you visited the Traineeship Staff Support Programme (TSSP) website and used any of the resources? Have you accessed support through the TSSP programme in other ways (e.g. consultancy, events, webinars)? Then AELP would really like to hear from you. AELP are keen to hear how the programme has supported you, the benefit it has had for you and your staff, and the resulting impact on the learners and employers you work with. This will not only allow them to capture the benefit of the programme for the sector, but also help them to map the support that would be most useful to you in future. AELP would really appreciate it if you could respond to their survey. It should only take a few minutes to complete. The deadline for response is Weds, 28th October 2015. If you experience any technical problems please email Laura Weeks