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Proposal of Frameworks Withdrawal

24 February 2017

SFA are asking for feedback on the fourth batch of frameworks withdrawal. These are intended to be withdrawn to new starts on 1 April 2018. The proposal will be open from Wednesday 22 February to Wednesday 5 April. A full list of frameworks included in this proposal is attached, the proposed last date for new starts on these frameworks is 31 March 2018. You can view the full lists for proposals and framework removals here. SFA will review the feedback and announce the final list for withdrawal in May 2017. This will give 9 months’ notice of the date of withdrawal. If they defer the withdrawal, the framework will be included in the next batch of proposed withdrawals that is planned in the summer. The frameworks included in this proposal have replacement apprenticeship standards that cover the same occupations; the replacement standards are expected to be ready for delivery by 1 April 2018. They will consider deferring the withdrawal date if you can provide clear and strong evidence that: Relevant standards due to be in place by 1 April 2018, or soon after, will not cover some occupations covered by the framework’s pathways for which there is still significant demand or; Rhere are strong reasons why the replacement standard(s) cannot be ready for learners from 1 April 2018 or soon after. For further information, please refer to the Removal of apprenticeship frameworks page on GOV.UK or contact the Service desk. List of frameworks for feedback with standard replacement and AAO- Feb 2017 (2).pdf List of frameworks for feedback with standard replacement and AAO- Feb 2017 (2).pdf (PDF,218.74 KB)