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Pay claim negotiation response

13 July 2018

Following today's meeting with the trade unions through the National Joint Forum, David Hughes, Chief Executive of the Association of Colleges, said: “Today we met with the trade unions through the National Joint Forum to discuss their Pay Claim for 2018/19. Given colleges’ current funding levels, it is sadly inconceivable for us to make an employer offer which matches other sectors without further Government support. “It is a well-understood truth that colleges have been hit hard in the austerity decade and simply cannot afford to match other pay awards. We are therefore proposing a substantial pay package over two years contingent on Government funding. We intend to pursue Government for a specific cash injection for pay - to then be consolidated in the 2019 Spending Review. “We have called on the unions to work with us to demonstrate to government that additional funding in the sector is now critical. It is not right for the average teacher salary to be £30,000 in colleges, compared with £37,000 in schools. If proper funding is not forthcoming, that gap is likely to widen, making the recruitment and retention of staff even more difficult – particularly in shortage subject areas such as STEM.”