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Ofsted publishes HMCI's Annual Report

14 December 2017

Ofsted has today published The Annual Report of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills 2015/16. In response, David Hughes, Chief Executive of the Association of Colleges (AoC), said: “Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector rightly emphasises the importance of the further education sector in equipping young people and adults for successful careers but he also points to shortfalls amongst a minority of colleges. “The report helpfully highlights the huge burden that colleges have been handed by schools failing to support young people to achieve good GCSEs in English and maths. Over 70% start college without these qualifications. This is an enormous challenge, given the huge numbers of resits, the lack of a credible alternative qualification and the inappropriateness of GCSE in preparing people for further learning and work. “Ofsted’s annual report is challenging for colleges but it also shows how the majority of colleges are innovative, creative and resilient. Colleges are facing up to the challenges and they are making great strides to improve quality. “As a sector, we are at a turning point, despite years of funding cuts and policy changes. This Government recognises, as it implements its Post-16 Skills Plan and rolls out apprenticeship reform, that colleges are critical to improving the life chances for millions of people and that the technical needs of the country should be on a par with the academic. Young people deserve the best start in life and adults need opportunities to progress and re-train. In order to realise this vision, we need better investment in young people and adults who deserve much more than they are getting both pre and post-16; current investment in post-16 education and training is simply not enough.”