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NUS launches #FEUnplugged campaign

14 December 2017

Commenting on the launch of the #FEUnplugged NUS national campaign to defend further education during the Government's area reviews, Martin Doel, Chief Executive of the Association of Colleges (AoC), said: “The country needs strong, resilient and locally responsive colleges to provide high quality technical and professional education. Further education and sixth form colleges will be essential if the recovery is to be sustained through the development of a highly skilled workforce. "We believe students should be able to contribute to their local area reviews of post-16 education with their views taken into account. By getting involved in the NUS campaign, students can help to ensure the Government recognises the important role of further education and why colleges must remain accessible to everyone. Students shouldn’t have to travel far to access high-quality education and training to help them get onto the ladder of their chosen profession. “Throughout the area review process, colleges will be looking to ensure students continue to benefit from the best possible education and training in the short, medium and long term. We are confident colleges will continue to be responsive to local demand from individuals and businesses, strengthening local economies and providing students with valuable employability skills, helping to develop their career opportunities.”