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Nominate someone for Student of the Year

19 June 2019

Nominations are now open for the Student of the Year award. We are looking for exceptional students, who have gone above and beyond, whether in college, their local community or in extra-curricular activities. The award celebrates the achievements and successes of exceptional students who stand out from the crowd. The award is open to any student of an AoC member college, and is not limited by age, level or course. When writing your submission, think about the following: How does this student stand out from their peers? How have they gone above and beyond what is expected, and set themselves apart from the crowd? What evidence can you show that this student is truly excellent? The panel will look at the following when selecting the winner: Personal achievement, rather than merely completing their qualification. This could include success at a national level, for example in sport, or overcoming hardship, disability or other personal adversity. Contribution to the college and/or wider community Inspirational nature of their academic, vocational or extra-curricular achievement The closing date for applications is Friday 29 August 2014.