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Future Apprenticeships: New Workshops Announced

08 February 2017

The Changing Role of Apprenticeship Delivery Teams workshop will, over one day, consider the impact of the apprenticeship reforms on staff roles and responsibilities within a variety of training provider settings. It will enable delegates to define the core skills required and develop strategies to retain and develop their staff. Recruiting Learners onto Apprenticeship Standards workshop will, over one day, support delegates to ensure that their apprenticeship opportunities are filled, maximising employer satisfaction and enabling continued growth of apprenticeships. Please click the links above for further details, including the objectives for the workshops The Changing Role of Apprenticeship Delivery Teams Workshop dates; Monday, 20 March - Manchester Thursday, 23 March - London Recruiting Learners onto Apprenticeship Standards Workshop dates; Monday, 27 February - Birmingham Wednesday, 1 March - Newcastle Using a ‘train the trainer’ model that allows learning from the workshops to be cascaded to staff throughout the organisation these workshops will be delivered by facilitators with first hand experienced of working in the sector. Delegates who attended similar workshops said; “I have learnt so much and cannot wait until the next workshop” ''The event has given us lots to think about but has also confirmed our progress so far is on track'' 'Very valuable day: the afternoon was fantastic and I look forward to continuing in this analytical and critical manner to better support my organisation’' The cost of the package is £200.00 per delegate. This is a subsidised rate for providers that receive funding from the SFA. Discounts are available for SET members. Details about other support being offered through the Future Apprenticeships Programme is available here. The majority of the support available through the programme can be delivered ‘in house’. If you are interested in exploring this option please contact Stella Turner m: 07920 161620