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Future Apprenticeships-Apprenticeship end-point assessment-preparing your organisation's involvement

24 April 2017

Future Apprenticeship workshop packages are being hosted in May and June to take you through the issues, models and opportunities for your organisation, helping you to understand what it takes to deliver effective end-point assessment and prepare for your organisation's involvement. The package is made up of a one day workshop, one to one action-planning follow-up call with a programme facilitator, and a series of resources on specific topics. Workshop dates include: Thurs, 11 May - Birmingham Weds, 24 May - Newcastle Tues, 13 June - London All packages are part-subsidised by the Foundation. Further details and booking information are available on the ETF website. Future Apprenticeships is funded by the Department for Education and commissioned by the Education and Training Foundation. Any questions about this package can be directed to Zoe Bolger at SDN.