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Employer Branding within the Further Education Sector

19 June 2019

The employment team have been contacted by John Beaty, Vice Principal: Corporate Relationships at Burton and South Derbyshire College, who has requested AoC support in a research project being undertaken as part of his final year dissertation for his MBA. His dissertation subject is Employer Branding within the Further Education Sector – the results of which are likely to be of some interest collectively as a sector. This research project has been signed off by John’s University’s ethics committee and will remain completely confidential with only aggregated (individual and College) results being used in the final report. John is also happy to provide all respondents with a copy of his final research. If you are interested in participating please complete the short survey by 27 June. Alternatively a small number of telephone interviews will be taking place (approximately 10) – please contact John directly on 01283 494470 or should you be willing to take part in one of these (should take no more than 20 minutes).