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DfE outlines next steps for Institutes of Technology

19 June 2019

Commenting on the publication of the Department for Education’s Next Steps for Institutes of Technology, David Hughes, Chief Executive of the Association of Colleges (AoC), said: “Every college and every local area knows that we need to improve the offer and take-up of skills training at Levels 4 and 5. This capital investment of £170 million in Institutes of Technology (IoT) will help achieve that, particularly now that the Government has heeded our advice that ideally IoTs should build on the technical education provision already offered by high-performing colleges from Level 3 upwards. “Many AoC member colleges have been working up proposals ready for this moment, and many more will now want to be part of the investment. Colleges will be keen to lead partnerships with others including LEPs, combined authorities, employers and universities.”