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Contractual Considerations

19 June 2019

AoC free to attend workshops on the contracts required within apprenticeship delivery from 1 May 2017 Presented by Teresa Frith, Senior Skills Policy Manager AoC and Louis Sebastian, Principal Solicitor contracts and commercial, NWLDC Calderdale College - 15 March, 2.00pm Dudley College - 22 March, 10am Goodenough College - 23 March, 10.30am 1 May 2017 sees the start of a whole new funding and delivery regime for apprenticeship starts in England. A key part of making the new system work for colleges effectively will be having appropriate contractual relationships in place with employers. This workshop will consider what needs to be in the college – employer contract to give certainty to the relationship between the college and the employer. It will also consider some of the other contracts and agreements that will be required. Delegates should leave this half day workshop with a template for the development of their final employer contract, an understanding of other contracts that might be required and an overview of other support that is available on apprenticeship reforms, building up to the 1 May 2017. Each of the three events will have the same content, so register for the most appropriate session: Calderdale College - 15 March, 2.00pm Dudley College - 22 March, 10am Goodenough College - 23 March, 10.30am