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Congratulations to students collecting A Level results today

14 December 2017

Martin Doel, Chief Executive of the Association of Colleges (AoC), said: “Congratulations to all students receiving their A Level results today. “While many young people will now be considering going to a university or negotiating the clearing process, it is important to remember there are other more affordable education and training routes available which can lead directly to a career. “Traditional three-year full-time university degrees have a vitally important role but it is crucial that young people are aware that further education colleges also offer a wide range of higher level technical and professional education, including apprenticeships and part-time study options. Not only are tuition fees less at a college, living and travelling costs are also much lower because it’s possible to stay at home. A higher apprenticeship in aerospace engineering can be just as valuable to the individual and the nation as an honours degree.”