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Colleges call on the next Government to invest in more opportunities for students

14 December 2017

The Association of Colleges (AoC) has published its General Election Manifesto setting out its recommendations for the next Government. A post-Brexit UK needs a new culture of lifelong learning to help the country become more self-sufficient in skills. Colleges are vital to achieve that and stand ready to support more young people and adults improve their skills to get on in life and work. The next Government will need to invest more in further education and work with colleges to face the skills challenge. Further education students in England currently receive 17 hours tuition a week compared to an average of 30 hours in most high performing countries. In addition, over one million adult education training places have been lost in the past 10 years. AoC believes that as we leave the EU, whilst we must remain outward looking and welcoming to people from all backgrounds, we must do this from a position of strength where we are self-sufficient in skills. David Hughes, Chief Executive of the Association of Colleges, said: “Colleges are vital for delivering the education and training needed for people of all ages. They boost productivity, strengthen the economy and they are eager to deliver more in Brexit Britain. After years of under-investment the next Government needs to support colleges to develop a culture of lifelong learning in which every young person and adult has opportunities to learn throughout their lives." AoC’s General Election Manifesto sets out six recommendations for the next Government which AoC believes, that if implemented, will increase opportunities for young people, boost life chances for adults and allow the country to prosper.