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Careers Guidance and Inspiration: Revised guidance for colleges

11 March 2016

DfE has published updated guidance on careers guidance and inspiration for colleges. This guidance underpins the requirement in further education and sixth form funding agreements to secure independent careers guidance for students up to and including the age of 18, and 19-25 year olds with a Learning Difficulty Assessment or Education, Health and Care Plan. The guidance replaces the version first published in June last year and has been updated to reflect the key messages in the revised statutory guidance for schools on careers guidance and inspiration. The new document also takes account of wider developments, including recent changes to legislation in relation to special educational needs and the raising of the compulsory age of participation in education or training. The updated guidance emphasises the need for colleges to work closely with employers to inspire and motivate young people about the options open to them. The guidance can be found on and comes into effect in September for the 2014/15 academic year.