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Careers advice amendment could give colleges access to schools

14 December 2017

Responding to the announcment of an amendment on careers advice and education by Lord Baker, David Hughes, Chief Executive of the Association of Colleges, said: “Lord Baker’s careers advice amendment to the Technical and Further Education Bill is significant for colleges. It will make certain that colleges, and other training providers, can go into schools to speak to young people about technical and professional education and apprenticeships. “The Association of Colleges has long-called for the need for access through its Careers Guidance: Guaranteed campaign. Careers advice and guidance has been failing young people for too long, with many being encouraged to stay in the school sixth form without realising that there are other options available with colleges and other training providers. It is vital that all young people are aware of the exciting range of options that are available to them at the age of 16, whether academic, vocational or technical. “We also believe that young people deserve access to careers education, embedded into the curriculum, from a much earlier age and this should be considered as part of the Government’s careers strategy. Young people being better informed will motivate them to make progress in learning and find the best route into work at whatever age.”