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Announcing David Laws as panel discussion chair

22 August 2018

David Laws (news).jpg David Laws, Executive Chairman of EPI has been confirmed as the chair for our panel discussion on social transformation and the role of colleges. Prior to his current role at the EPI, David served in the Coalition Government as Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Schools Minister, and Cabinet Office Minister. Whilst Schools Minister he was responsible for policy areas including all capital and revenue funding, the Pupil Premium, accountability and policy on teachers and leadership. He also served as a Member of Parliament for Yeovil from 2001 until 2015. ”I am looking forward to joining you all at the AoC Annual Conference this year and to chairing the social mobility panel. Colleges can be a strong platform for social mobility, so I look forward to hearing the discussion and the role colleges can play.” You can hear from David on Tuesday 20 November at our Annual Conference at the ICC, Birmingham. Tickets are available here.