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WATCH RECORDING: The Northern Ireland College of the Future report launch


25 March 2021

What do we want and need from our colleges from 2030 onwards, and how do we get there? These were the simple yet important questions the Independent Commission on the College of the Future sought to answer when it began work last spring.

On Tuesday 25 March 2021 the Independent Commission on the College of the Future held a webinar to discuss its new final report for Northern Ireland.

Chaired by Commissioner Dr Stephen Farry MP, we were delighted to be joined by the following speakers:

  • Professor Ellen Hazelkorn, Commissioner and Joint Managing Partner, BH Associates Education Consultants, Ireland
  • Stephen Evans, Expert Panel Member and Chief Executive of Learning and Work Institute
  • Jackie Henry MBE, Chair of Skills Strategy Advisory Group, Deloitte UK Consulting People & Purpose Lead and NI Office Senior Partner
  • Brian Doran, Principal and Chief Executive of Southern Regional College

You can read the report here