We are pleased to be supported in our work by the following organisations:
- Association of Colleges (AoC)
- College Development Network (CDN)
- Colleges Scotland
- ColegauCymru / Colleges Wales
- EDGE Foundation
- Education and Training Foundation (ETF)
- Further Education NI
- Scottish Funding Council (SFC)
- The Open University
We are greatful to the following organisations for their financial partnership of The College Alliance programme and activities.
Association of Colleges
At the heart of every community should be a thriving college, supporting students, delivering skills, transforming communities, promoting social justice, working with employers, and growing the economy.
Association of Colleges is the national voice for further education, sixth form, tertiary and specialist colleges in England. We are a not-for-profit membership organisation established in 1996 by colleges, for colleges. Our members make up almost 95% of the sector - transforming 2.2 million lives each year.
Acting as the collective voice, we represent and promote the interests of colleges, and provide our members with high-quality professional support services, including training, events, and recruitment.
Edge Foundation
We are the independent foundation working to inspire the education system to give all young people across the UK the knowledge, skills and behaviours they need to flourish in their future life and work.
We believe in a broad and balanced curriculum, interactive and engaging real world learning, high quality technical and professional training and rich relationships between education and employers.

Education and Training Foundation
We support teachers and leaders across the Further Education and Skills sector to help them achieve their professional development goals for the benefit of learners and employers across England. In doing so, we help to transform the lives of individuals and communities across the country, unleashing potential and benefitting the economy. We are also the guardian of the sector’s Professional Standards and home to the professional membership body for the sector, whose 22,000 plus members we support. We are responsible for the awarding of both Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) status and Advanced Teacher Status (ATS).

SOLAS is the state agency responsible for Further Education and Training (FET) in Ireland. Our vision is to power the potential of individuals, communities and enterprise through lifelong learning and workforce transformation. SOLAS manages, co-ordinates and supports the delivery of FET by the Education and Training Boards (ETBs); monitoring its delivery and providing funding based on good quality data and positive outcomes. SOLAS is leading an ambitious FET Strategy: Transforming Learning and has driven change across the FET system – providing easier access; simplified pathways; a consistent learner experience; and a stronger identity. FET is meeting the changing needs of Irish society by responding to, and driving the demand for key skills areas including construction, technology and the green economy. Flexible FET options are now available in every community and offer a broad range of valuable and recognised learning pathways.

The Open University
The Open University is a global leader in higher education which has pioneered distance learning for over 50 years, delivering exceptional teaching and outstanding support to students across the UK and the world.